Can You Go to Big on a Power Filter on an Aquarium?

One of the most vital parts of whatsoever aquarium setup is the filter. While new tank owners, may purchase all-in-one solutions that come with a tank and a filter. There are occasions where either the filter dies, or they upgrade the size of their tank. Information technology is mutual sense that a new filter that is also small won't do a tank whatever good, withal it can go out tank owners wondering.

Can an aquarium filter be too big or too strong? Concrete size isn't so much the result here, although if it is too big, it may not fit on your tank. The respond to filters existence likewise stiff is yes. The generated menstruum of h2o causes more issues than lots of filtration. At that place are fish that don't similar stiff water currents, and if they are likewise minor, they can discover themselves sucked toward the water inlet.

Proceed reading to learn why you ought to tailor your aquarium filter to match the size of your aquarium. Y'all volition also see why bigger and stronger isn't the best solution, and what you tin practice to resolve the upshot if you already have a big filter in place.

What Size Should My Filter Be?

To look at the effects of large filters take on your tank, it is advisable to understand what size the filter ought to be. The consensus is that the volume of water in your tank (number of gallons) should laissez passer through the filter four times every hour.

If your filter can do more than this, that isn't the consequence. Yous should e'er exist sure your filter matches your tank, or information technology can motility the tank volume more than the minimum number of gallons per 60 minutes.

A quick example existence if yous have a tank of fifty gallons. This requires 200 gallons per hour as a minimum. If you have a choice of 180 GPH or 220 GPH, and then yous will exist better to cull the 220 GPH filter.

How Will I Know the Water Flow is Too Fast?

I of the benefits of fast-flowing water is agitation and the adding of oxygen. Many tank owners think if they encounter bubbles, and then all is proficient in their tank. Notwithstanding, once this catamenia begins to hamper the natural swimming rhythms of your fish, then there will be problems for several reasons.

Hither are a handful of the common signs your h2o flow is too strong.

  • Fish struggle to move at their own pace
  • Larger finned fish testify retarded rates and more dangling motions
  • Smaller fish such as Betta struggle to swim at an angle and swim in a unlike manner than usual
  • Several kinds of fish take to hiding rather than swimming around the tank
  • Some fish observe it difficult to maintain their residue as they swim

These symptoms are basic for a fast current. However, if the water is excessively forceful, then you can face more harmful issues. Fish tin can notice information technology hard to feed; this is true for floating fish or the slow movers. They won't possess plenty energy to follow their food through a current.

Fish can become malnourished as a outcome, and y'all will discover more nutrient is breaking up and affecting water considering information technology isn't eaten.

Benefits of a Good Filter Period Rate

If the menstruation rate isn't too stiff, then you lot won't over filter your aquarium. Even when using a larger filter, information technology is not possible to over-clean your water. You lot can, though, push the water through the filter also fast, which will bear upon the touch of your benign bacteria.

Hither are a few benefits of good h2o menstruum through your filter:

  • Increased oxygen levels: Filter pumps, especially those with the cascade feature, disrupt the surface of the h2o and allow more oxygen to dissolve into information technology, thus making it easier for fish to breathe.
  • Better waste removal: 1 of the nearly important tasks of the filter in the tank is to make clean the muddy water and remove the waste. Filters with adequate water flow volition be efficient in doing this.
  • More natural environments: No species of fish lives in stagnant waters, so it is vital to accept a current that matches the natural habitat of each of your fish. The closer you are to mirroring their natural habitat in your tank, the happier your fish volition be.
  • Improved water apportionment. Ensuring water stays in motion in your tank helps avoid dead water zones, which are great breeding grounds for anaerobic bacteria and other microorganisms, which can cause problems in your tank.

Water Needs Contact Time in the Filter
If yous accept a larger than the necessary sized filter, but have water menstruation that is suitable for your tank, then you won't have a problem. You can't over clean a tank. Once your water flows through your filters, the toxins and other harmful things are removed from the water by the beneficial leaner. These accumulate around your filter inlet.

You lot find that if the filter is besides powerful for the tank size and the water passes through also fast, and the water won't have enough contact time with these beneficial bacteria.  The fast-moving flows stir and movement the tank contents, but don't uniformly distribute whatsoever is necessary to sustain less aggressive aquatic life.

The benign leaner, the oxygen, and the warm water temperatures simply partially broadcast the tank. Inhabitants of your tank find a full dividend in the areas where they swim.

Means to Adapt Filter Force

Whatsoever tank owner who has concerns over their filter should choose the more powerful selection. However, earlier doing and then, yous will need to check the filter has one thing added. This tin can brand all the difference to the survival of your fish without worrying about the size or strength of your filter pump.

Here are a few ways you can reduce a strong current from your filter and make it more suitable for your fish and the aquatic surround.

  • Purchase a filter with adaptable menstruum control: Many filters come equipped with flow control valves. It is easy to adjust these to reduce the flow of water that passes through the filter. You lot can find the same on pumps where you are using these divide to your filter. This will permit y'all to take the most h2o contact time with the filter media.
  • Bamboozle water intakes. Although not ordinarily a recommendation every bit this can overwork your pump, you can baffle the water inlet with a sponge. This reduces the flow of water that can enter your filter.
  • Plant and stone placement. You can reduce the electric current past placing a bunch of live plants in line with your filter inlet. While this doesn't decrease the amount of water that passes through tour filter, it can exist plenty to break the current to let your fish lots of area to swim without outcome.

A rock-scape can likewise make great h2o breaks and role in the same way. Both of these options exit the far end of your tank for smaller fish to reside in equally if they were in a natural habitat.


As you tin encounter from all the above, you can't accept h2o which is too clean for your fish. However, information technology is the means of obtaining this clean water, which can pose problems. As long equally you lot have a pump or filter where y'all can regulate the menstruation, then you have plenty of scope for upgrading your tank without the need to purchase some other pump.

In the meanwhile, exist sure you adjust the flow and so your fish can swim naturally without exhausting themselves fighting confronting the flow.

Related Questions

Why do my fish desire to swim closer to my filter? There are a few reasons fish tend to swim closer to filters. Fish know that faster waters mean more oxygen. This means they know they can exhale meliorate in those areas. Secondly, yous can find many fish are opportunistic when it comes to feeding. Rather than look for food to come to them, they hang around the filter where they know the nutrient volition go in the current.

When is my filter too large for my Betta? You lot find this is more to do with tank size in relation to your Betta fish. Betta are happy to alive in the smallest of places without issue, and ways they can survive in smaller tanks or bowls in the aforementioned manner equally Goldfish can do. If your tank is on the smaller side and isn't to a higher place 2 and a half gallons, and so you lot volition need to avoid using a filter. Currents here are unavoidable, and it will stress your fish into becoming ill.


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